Thursday, February 4, 2010

Simple Plesures

Ok, so Roxanne posted her simple plessure and encouraged us all to do the same :), so here goes:
*Dancing Around with ISABELLA*
*Watching HER sleep*
*Fountain Diet Coke*
*GIRL Scout Cookies (especially Thin Mints from the freezer)*
*Dollar movies from REDBOX*
*Going for Walks and BikeRides*
*Spending time with JASON*
*Time with FAMILY*
*Hot Showers*
*CHURCH on Sundays with the Family*
*Reading a Good Book*
*Anything CHOCOLATE and Peanut BUTTER*
*Singing along with the Radio*
I know there are many more and the moment I post this I will think of them. But for now, these are the simple pleasures that stick out in my mind!!
Until next time...