Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just a Swingin!!

Over the weekend, we were able to get Bella swing up that she got from the Easter Bunny. Luckily it was nice so we were able to enjoy a little time swinging! She loved it as you can see!

We also had fun walking barefoot in the grass with Daddy!

I'll will be posting a video of her soon, walking with Daddy, once I can get it edited so you don't have to turn your head to watch it! Check back soon! Until next time...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter and 8 month Birthday Bella!!

So, I know I'm a couple days behind (surprised, I know). Better late than never though. We celebrated Isabella's first Easter, plus she happened to turn 8 months old the same day!! I can't believe how fast my baby is growing.

We didn't really do anything too exciting Easter Sunday. We attended church, popped in for a quick visit at Nanny and Pappy's, and then headed home to do laundry and all that fun Sunday afternoon stuff. (See pics below of Isabella in her cute new dress) We opted not to get Belle a basket this year since she can't have candy yet and there wasn't really anything she needed. We did however get her a swing for outside that we are going to hang on the deck. Since we have such beautiful weather here in Indiana, we haven't had a chance to hang it yet. Once we get it up and she has a chance to try it out I will post some pictures.

Isabella is growing like a weed and constantly on the go. I would say she is probably weighing in at about 22lbs now and is around 30 inches long. Boy that girl can move too!! I'm not sure I like this whole crawling thing. She definately wears me out!!

Nothing else new in the Standeford house! Just spending our time trying to keep up with everything. I'm getting ready to send out some teaching applications within the next week or two, so everyone keep there fingers crossed and say a little prayer that I might get something for the fall. Until next time...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bella's not slowing down!!

So I just wanted to give a quick update on how our Bella girl is doing. I swear that girl never stops growing. Nanny weighed her last week and she is weighing in at 21.4 lbs. I decided to measure her a couple days ago and she is 29 1/4 inches long. She is going to be tall just like her Aunt Jessica!! It makes it very difficult for mommy to buy her clothes. The sizes she should be fitting into are too short so she outgrows them quickly. I'm currently buying her 12-18 month stuff!

We have currently been dealing with the whole teething issue. Still no teeth yet!! Bella has been one crabby baby though! I just wish one of those little suckers would pop through already!! I feel so bad for her. There is only so much tylenol, oragel, and a frozen teething ring can do!

On to other news...Bella is starting to "army" crawl. It's so cute to watch her go around in circles. She gets up on her knees every so often but hasn't figured out how to move that way yet! She is also walking now when we hold her hands and trying to pull herself up on everything! She has become quite the show-off!!

Sorry Aunt Donna, still no clicking noise yet! We are working on it though. She does it from time to time but I don't think she is really aware of what she is doing. Her thing now is to growl! I don't know where she got this from (Aunt Jenny) but it is very humorous! I think that is all the new things that have been going on in the Standeford house right now. Until next time....