Thursday, August 4, 2011

Little Beach Beauties

On Monday, John and Rachel decided to make a trip up to Central Beach at the dunes.  Since we had so much fun there a couple weeks ago, we decided to meet them over there again.  I think the girls are going to be beach bums!!  They went non-stop from about 11:30am until almost 6pm.  They had fun climbing the hill, splashing in the water, and playing in the sand.  I think they had the most fun chasing the seagulls, which was hillarous to watch. 
Bella and Ann were "swimming"

My little fish

Playing in the water and the sand

I couldn't believe that Bella was loving being in the water, sticking her face in and everything.  It's amazing what a difference a year, let alone a few weeks, makes!!  Can't wait to make another trip to the beach!

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