Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sleepless Night

Last night, we had a rough night. Bella started getting a cold a couple days ago and it seemed last night it really started to hit her hard. The poor things started coughing a lot and gagging on whatever gunk she was trying to cough up. Then she would start crying so mommy would have to get up with her, calm her down, and try to get her back to sleep. This went on all night long!! So throughout the night I think we watch Toy Story (the first one) like 10 times. Everytime it was over it seemed like Bella would wake up and say "I watch Woody momma!" I think I can go without watching Buzz or Woody for awhile!

Bella's had plenty of colds before and we've always just tried to let them run their course. But this is the worst she's ever had a cough so I decided to take her to the doctor today. I'm so glad I did!! He said her lungs sounded crackly and it could have turned into pneumonia in a few days. So nows she's on an antibiotic, which is about impossible to get her to take. I'm hoping it will help and she will start feeling better soon! It's so hard to see your baby sick!!

So wish us luck tonight and pray that we get some much needed rest! Hope everyone avoids all the sickness that is going around!

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope she feels better soon:) xxoxoxox- aunt rachel