Man does time fly!! It's hard to believe our little princess is 10 months old today! She is growing and changing so much every day. Right now she is weighing in at 23 lbs and is around 31-32 inches long. It has been a wonderful experience being home with her more. She definately keeps me on the go!! She is climbing up the stairs and just figured out how to go down them within the last week. Bella is constantly waving at everything now, accompanied by "hi" or "bye." She is defiantely a little show off!!
She loves to be outside!! She is unsure about the feel of grass and usually bear crawls around the yard because she doesn't like to get down on her knees. It is hysterical!! One of our favorite past times is to go for walks in the stroller. Luckily we live in a nice subdivision so we can enjoy our daily walks in our neighborhood! We have about 4 birdfeeders in our yard so Belle can enjoy watching the birds, something she picked up from her Grandpa Haines!! Also, a couple weeks ago we planted a wildflower garden for her. It's exciting because some of the flowers are starting to pop up. It will be fun this summer to watch them grow. Once we get some good blooms I will post some pictures.
Bella has become a very observant girl! We like to call her Nosey Nancy. She is constantly pointing at everything and she loves when you tell her what it is! A couple weeks ago, we went to Monrovia for the Triplets' graduation. I can't believe they are going to be college freshman! Isabella was so well behaved durning commencement. I was quite relieved, especially since it was so hot in the gym!!
So as you can see, things at the Standeford household have been quite busy! I'm hoping now to stay up on my post (for about a week we didn't have a computer because our PC crashed). I have taken several pictures over the last month so I will get some posted soon. I'm including Belle's 10 month picture I took today at the park! Until next time...